Hi Everyone
Today I'm thankful 1.) That today is Wednesday - Wednespay for some Enjoy your day Tia
!!!...2.) That the distance from my work area to the gym doesn't feel as far as it once did. Pre-op, just walking to the gym left me winded. It would take me about 30 minutes to recover and change into my workout gear...3.) For clearance racks. I was able to get a pair of pants - size 16W (down from a high of 28W thankyouverymuch) - for $12.00...SWEET!!! Peace and Blessings, -Antoinette

"You can always choose today to be braver than you were yesterday."
-Star Jones
Awww, thanks, Toni!!! I'm so glad you're back to posting on a regular basis!!!
OMG!! I did treat myself to lunch, but I think I'll wait till tomorrow's Feed Bag to fess up!! I was gonna go with matzoh ball soup, but I just couldn't stand the idea of eating hot soup while it was 80+ degrees in the office!!!
AWESOME!!!! You are doing such a good job - I'm so proud of you!!!
hey ya'll, sounds like everyone is having fun. I'm going to meet a bunch of people on saturday and i can't wait. i'm going to bring samples of this protein bar you can buy online or at the vitamin shoppe that are really good. the peanut butter cream tastes like a nutter butter cookie. so good.
i am grateful for:
1. those big balls you can stretch your back on. my back is killing me so it really helps, especially when i come to work and sit on a crappy chair. i did the ball yesterday and was fine. didn't do it today and in pain. i think tomorrow i will do my stretches!
2. my therapist. she put some of my bad behaviors in perspective yesterday. basically i don't feel alive unless something is wrong. and if i take care of myself, there is nothing wrong. then i start to feel lonely and empty so i eat or do something else self destructive so i can at least feel something, even if it's bad. so i'm going to keep that in mind when i do things that make me feel bad.
3. again for my animals. they are so sweet and make me feel so happy and loved. i have a husband but he is almost never there during the week so i depend on my furbabies to give me love. yeah kitties and doggies.