AWWWW I love love! :-) Good one!!!! BTW I'm with you on the eye candy to look at!!!! LOL I have one new one to add....I am very grateful for skyr.is plain yogurt! Found it at Whole Foods yesterday and wow it's good! The plain has 6g sugar, 0g fat, 6g carbs and 22g protein. I added 1/4 c fresh blueberries and sweet & low. Great breakfast! Going back to get more!
Good Morning! Gotta love those karma moments!!!! I know that felt so so good!!!! :-)
Mine for today? HMMMMMM Not quite sure yet....but will give it a go.....
1. My stimulus check coming in the mail at exactly the moment I really needed it!
2. My personal trainer Gary. I've said this before and I'll say it again, he does help me put things into perspective and not beat myself up too too badly.....except last night! LOL I'll get over it!
3. My dad and his words of encouragement. Even when the chemo is kicking his ass and his recovery time is now two weeks instead of one, he's still always here for me and one of my biggest supporters.
Ya'll have a great day!
LOL Who me??????
I'm just an innocent angel
Yeah, dad is something else, that's for sure! He CAN'T go anywhere....I'm selfish and want him around for a long long time! He did tell me yesterday that the reason it's taking him longer to recover from chemo is that there is now a higher build-up in his system and that's why he feels crappy for two weeks instead of just one. After yesterday he has two more rounds to go then we'll see what's happening.