oh Lisa!!!! go out and get yourself a grilled chicken caesar salad (without the caesar dressing and replace it with fat free vinnaigrette). My salad was a lunch time side salad from Uno's Chicago Grill. I think there was about maybe 2 ounces of chicken on top. I ate that first and then there was about a cup and a half of romaine (I took the croutons out) and I ATE IT ALL!!!!!!! It was so freakin yummy!!!!!! by the end of the salad, I even ate the croutons (after I soaked them in the dressing) it was all so good and I'm not hurtting or busting....I'm content. Tia is right, the lettuce must chew down to nothing and is tolerated very much by the pouch. It's a happy pouch right now :)
Morning dear!!! I'm SOOO sorry you got "stuck!" STUCK SUCKS!!! LOL!!! However, I'm glad you learned quickly that if you stop as soon as you feel it, 9 times out of 10, it'll flow on through. Not really sure about the standing vs. sitting, though, but whatever works!!
Lunch with co-workers? USE LUBE!!!
OMG!!! How incredibly supportive and generous of your co-worker!!! I am SO gonna be there for you as you cross that finish line!!!!
yeah being stuck does suck! I could feel it churning in there and OMG what pain!!!!!! I ran to the toilet ready to vomit but it stayed down but I did lurch a couple times and nothing.
for today's salad, I'm going to see if they have any fat free italian dressing (I wanna stay away from the creamy dressings for now)
Oh Tia!!!!! i had the salad.....and I ate the WHOLE THING!!!!! it was so tasty. It was about maybe 2 ounces of grilled chicken on top of about well maybe 2 cups but I don't think it was that much lettuce and I had them leave off the caesar dressing and replaced it with vinnaigrette. it was soooooooo freakin gooooood!!!!!