Good morning!!! Looks like rain!!! It is beyond humid in our building today, even in the offices that have a/c!!! ICK!!! Today, I'm grateful for: 1. That it's PAYDAY!!! WOO-HOO!!!! Now, for the next day at least, I won't be broke. And I get to go out to lunch today!! I treat myself every payday; nothing fancy, just something besides eating at my desk. I hear a bowl of chicken matzoh ball soup calling my name!!! I faithfully pack my lunch every single day. I don't feel like I could ***** about not having any money if I bought my lunch everyday like most of the women I work with - same thing with foofy drinks, getting my nails done, tanning!! Believe me, I'm all about taking care of me, but there are limits given the skyrocketing cost of everything!!! 2. I had a great WOW moment yesterday. I walked into the training classroom and spied some friends who had saved me a seat. Well, as I walked in, I noticed about 5 women with whom I used to work who hadn't seen me in 150 pounds or so. Let me tell you about these women - I used to be the office manager at one of our offices in Jessup back in the late 90's. These women, all data entry clerks, were horrible to work with, and I really didn't even work with them. They worked in a cubicle area we called the Viper Pit. I swear, I've never seen such nasty women in my whole life - to each other and other co-workers. I still maintain it's a stupid manager who puts a group of women together - old, young, doesn't matter - a group of women working together is GENERALLY NOT a good idea. Men don't have the same issues we do, for the most part. Anyway, let's just say when I got promoted, it was a blessing. And I know they were happy to see me go!!! Anyway, it's like the commercial where the ending is "priceless." This truly was hilarious to see their jaws drop!!!! I was dressed in my finest moving/hauling attire, jeans and a t-shirt, although it was a fitted t-shirt. I am STILL flying after that. Trust me, I danced outta that room singing, "Take that, beyotches!!!" Karma is a powerful thing!!!! 3. After today, 5 FIVE more work days!!! WOO-HOO!!!! 4. Gotta throw one more in - bald Beltway eye candy!!! Woo-Hoo!!! There were some FINE looking samples this a.m. - I love bald guys. Throw in a goatee and I am SO there. SIGH. Have a great day! Tia
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!