Thanks for the update Darla. You and your dad were in my thoughts all day yesterday. I hope the MRI appointment comes up fast, and shows nothing major. Good for you for standing up to your sister! Sometimes even adults just need to be reminded of the simple things that mean a lot to people.
Thanks everyone:
Dad's appointment is tomorrow at 1:00 pm and yes my sister is going to
take him to and from and handle the eye Dr. next week. Please keep the prayers
coming: We won't let him drive until we get the ok from the neurologist and the
eye dr. needless to say he's like a bull in a china shop. Hes not used to needing
people to do things for him and his not being able to get here to work is
bothering him a lot. My brother and I decided this morning we will each adjust
our normal hours one day a week so he can get here at least twice a week.
Forced retirement would not sit well with him. Take care and thanks again