Andy Kovatch
on 7/8/08 10:59 pm - York, PA
Good morning my new circle of friends.  I'm either going to get on your nerves real fast or you're going to jump on the exercise bandwagon and get into the best shape of your life.  LOL.  We all know the importance of exercise during the course of this journey and the rest of our lives.  Remember, we did this to change the rest of our lives, not to just reach a certain number on the scale and at the clothes racks.  That's why, to me, exercise is so important.  It is for life.  So, with that being said, I am going to start a daily exercise thread so you can share with everyone else what is on your agenda in the area of exercise.  It does take a little honesty on your part and you do face a bit of accountability each day.  Remember, if you're not being honest about what you did or are going to do, you're only cheating and lying to yourself.   So, for me, today finds me hitting the pavement for a 5 mile run, some pushups, stomach crunches and pullups.  Normally, I would be doing my weight training at the gym.  But, since I'm moving to Maryland on Sunday, I had to cancel my gym membership.  But, that's okay, it's beautiful outside.  Please realize one thing - I am not out to impress anybody.  I have been training for two years now, have run two 5K's and a 10 mile race.  Currently, I am training for a half marathon in Baltimore on October 11th.  I do not expect you to follow the same routine as I do.  The reason I post what I have accomplished is to give hope to everybody else.  I am no different and no better than any one of you.  A litle over two years ago I weighed 365 pounds.  As my signature says below, I felt I was worth it and I feel you are too.  You just have to believe it and DO IT!!!  One thing I always tell those that don't believe in working out is instead of coming up with excuses as to why you CAN'T do it, come up with reasons why you SHOULD be doing it. Now, what are YOU going to be doing today?

"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/8/08 11:07 pm - Middle River, MD
Andy - From the little that I've learned about you so far, I'm not the least bit surprised that this is on here.  And I'm glad.  I was SUCH a dedicated gym rat for the first 9-12 months post-op.  Somewhere along the line, I lost it - I think life just got in the way and I forgot that sometimes, it has to be about "me" first.  I'm very good at taking care of others, but not so much at taking care of me.   My niece, ex-SIL and I recently joined Bally's and after some medical issues were resolved, I thought I had been given clearance, but now I have slight anemia, and the doctor said hopefully once I get back from vacation, I can hit the gym again.  Nothing like hitting the treadmill to release my frustrations!!! So in the meantime, I walked my puppy Happy, last night, and find that even in parking lots, I try to park farther away, not necessarily circling to find the closest spot.  In addition, my office is 3 flights of steps away and the ladies room 2 flights, and given that I drink in excess of 120 oz. of water a day.....well, you get the pic!!! So thank you!!  I may be calling on you for a virtual buttkicking occasionally! Tia
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/08 11:10 pm - Annapolis, MD
OK I'm liking this thread......last night was stregnth training with my trainer....kicked my butt as usual! LOL Tonight I will be walking (can't jog or run right now, having knee issues) 4 miles. Same with tomorrow night.
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/08 11:18 pm - Hagerstown, MD
I'm two months out from sugery (as of yesterday) and my surgeon wanted me to hit the gym more.  Basically he said that the activities that you normally do during the day does not count towards your physical activity.  The time you set aside to go to the gym or do your walking counts.  right now I walk on the treadmill because concrete is too hard for my knees and the grass is too soft.  so I go on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 3 MPH for about 1.5 miles.  I didn't go to the gym yesterday to give my knees some time to get over the pain.  Before monday I hadn't been to the gym for a couple weeks but now I'm hitting it in earnest because I want to cross the finish line at the 5K in october!!!!  So today I'll be hitting the gym again after work (when I usually go) and I'll probably keep doing what I've been doing and maybe add in some cycling on the stationery bike.
Nicole T.
on 7/9/08 3:22 am
have you considered swimming as a form of exercise. i do it cuz i get too hot and my back hurts if i do stuff on land too much. i would definitely recommend it.
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 4:55 am - Hagerstown, MD
I thought abou****er arobics but alas, I can't really afford a gym membership that has a pool and I'm a land lubber not by choice
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 5:50 am - Middle River, MD
And YOU need to tell your surgeon that when you drink 150+ oz. of water daily and walk two flights of steps 5-6 times a day - it does TOO count!!!  So there!!!!! Tia
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 8:09 am - Hagerstown, MD
LOl I think he was emphasizing the point that since I came from being 500 pounds which is one of his biggest patients that i have to work twice as hard to get the weight off :)
Suzanne B.
on 7/8/08 11:40 pm - Baltimore, MD
Okay, I haven't done a damn thing lately.  But ... TODAY, since I signed onto Neil's 25 lb challenge yesterday, I'm going to Bally's at noon for the total body workout.   Hopefully I'll be able to walk back to the office ! Suz
on 7/8/08 11:59 pm - Cambridge, MD
This is a sincere Thanks!  I need this push.  I intended to go to the gym last night, but wasn't feeling good, so I talked myself into staying home.  I've been doing that a lot lately.  Tonight I will get up off my lazy butt and go!!!  I'll let you know what I do tomorrow, but usually it's 40 min on the treadmill and then a round on the circuits, especially working on triceps.

Lisa Z.

When we believe, all things are possible!

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