adhesions in the bypassed bowel
Ok, I posted this on the main board too, but I truely value the LOVING opinions I will get from all of you, so what are your thoughts?
I have been having some intermitten pain, and general discomfort. About a month ago, it was pretty severe, and I had to go to the ER, they did a sono and a ct scan. Yesterday I had my appt with the surgeon, and he suspects that I may have adhesions in the part of the bowel that was bypassed. We are taking a wait and see approach, but I have instructions to go back to er for any increase in pain.
The issue is that we are going to Disney in 3 weeks, SO do I cancel? Are these that serious, or do I go ahead with our plans?
Also, what are the concerns with these adhesions?
Oh MY GOD you are in Disney the 1st week of August??? Me too!!!! where are you staying? I am at the boardwalk.
I have not ever had them but found this website.....looks like if surgery isn't ging to happen that change in diet....i defer to those who have had this issue...hope it gets better and you don't have to cancel Disney!
RUN DON'T WALK on this. There is a 1-2% this can happen and I ended up in emergency surgery on May 21st with three hernia's from the adhesions. It is cause from the surgery and how they bypass the new bowel. It is nothing to play with. I was in so much pain. My food would not pass. I was ran right up to the OR and they found three hernia's. I am fixed now and this will never happen again per my WL surgeon. So don't mess around with it, listen to your body. I had to go back to liquids and mushies for two weeks. Not fun but thank god they found it when they did.
Hugs Kristen
Send me a PM if you have any questions.