Hi Guys,
Thanks for the shout out. The babies and I are doing well. I am now 23 weeks. Things seem to be hanging steady for the boys. Thank Goodness!
I am feeling big as a house, but with three in there, I guess it is normal. I have gained 14 pounds so far. The docs mainly want me laying down. So, that's what I'm doing most days.
This pregnancy thing is a scary one. LOL They make you worry from conception, through the rest of your life!
I am getting excited. I am having my baby shower on July 26 for anyone that is interested. (Just kidding) I don't expect people to come that don't really know me. I feel like I have waited a million years to finally say I am pregnant, and am just so thrilled I can't stand it. Then to be blessed with triplets is beyond my wildest dreams.
Heather, great new pic. Wow. You look wonderful. I can't figure out how to change my darn pic. They all say too big and I have no idea how to change it. :(
Well, that's is for me. Thanks for checking on me. You guys are great.