Hey Tia,
What a great way for me to get to meet some of you for the first time. Unfortunately, however, I won't be able to make it this time. I shoot pool on a competitive level and I have a tournament in Philadelphia this weekend. Please let me know next time you plan some kind of get together like this. I'd love to come. Thanks.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
Hey Andy -
Wow!!! A pool player!!! I'd either put someone's eye out or rip the felt, so I'm generally happy to act as the cheering section!!! But I'm way impressed that you play on a competitive level!!!! Very cool!!!
This get together is strictly a planning meeting for our Maryland Board picnic, tentatively scheduled for the end of September (to avoid the heat). I'll definitely post more about this after this weekend.
We also have something coming up on August 2 - or we will if I get it together and post about our Ride The Baltimore Ducks Day!!! I know they have them in Philly, too - the amphibious vehicles that tour the city streets and then splash down into the harbor. Afterward, we're just gonna hang out and have lunch together. We try to do things every 4-6 weeks, but obviously, in the summer months, it's harder to get everyone together.
If you come across any good places for a get-together, by all means, post away!! Most of our get-togethers are children friendly, too, so Katelyn and Corey will be more than welcome!!!!