I need suggestions....
Ok, I have a dilema and who better to ask then you guys. By around 2 in the afternoon
I am dragging ass so bad I feel like I need a shovel to get it off the ground. I fight taking a nap
because usually around 4-5pm I seem to get a second wind. Whats up with this???? I get in my daily protein, take my centrum chewable twice a day (one in morning when i get up and one before bed), take 2500mg B-12 sublingual in the morning every day. Whats missing????

Have you had your iron levels checked? My surgeon added Iron to my regime about 2 months post-op. I believe that B12 and Iron work together regarding energy.
Weight at Surgery (7/6/07) - 410
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
I haven't had blood work done since 1 mo post op. When I called the dr office after my 3 mo check up, the lady that answered said that the Dr. probably didn't feel it necessary to have me go for more blood work at 3 mo and thats why he didn't request it. I wasn't really tired then either. I don't go back to him until the end of August. I get in fluids ALL day. Have something with me 24/7, even next to the bed at night. Crystal light is my best friend...lol...I was thinking of looking for iron suppliments next week. Just not looking forward to the potty problems that go along with taking iron...
Well, I take Vitron-C, it's iron with vitamin C, which aids in its absorption. That's what my surgeon recommended when I became anemic not long after surgery, and it really helped. I get it at either CVS or Walgreen's - for some reason, Walmart doesn't carry it.
Personally, though, I don't think I'd wait until August - give them a call, tell them what's going on and see if you can have the bloodwork done sooner.
It's funny you say that Tia - about Walmart not carrying them. I thought not either, until I found them last week at the Walmart in Laurel (Russett Green). It was the first time I'd ever seen them. I went to ask the pharmacist. *lol* She said that it's not a normal item, but that the location had gotten many requests, so now they carry it. I'm going to start asking my normal Walmart to carry them. Try it!
Weight at Surgery (7/6/07) - 410
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
I read an article about B-12 and it can actually do the opposite of what it is supposed to. If you take B-12 regularly you may have too much B-12 built up in your system that will wear you down and cause you to be tired all of the time. Go get your blood checked or alternate days of B-12...Just a suggestion...Im not a doctor I only have sex with one...lmao...sorry TMI