Update to my issues
Called Dr. Moein's office this AM and they refuse to do the endoscopy first. They insist I need the Upper GI. *******s. So I am going to GBMC tomorrow at 8AM (which also sucks since I live in Bel Air and we'll need to leave here at 6:30 to deal with rush hour traffic).
I am so dreading this. Has anyone had a UGI post-surgery? Do you get to drink less of the evil white goo? I can't imagine drinking those 2 big cups of it now. I can't even drink that much water at once.
But I am hoping that this will lead to some relief. I'm back to full liquids now. Cream of chicken soup, yogurt, milk. Fun fun fun.
I wonder how soon I'll get the results. I am tired of waiting.
Wish me luck with not throwing up all over the tech!

actually i think in post-op, you get to drink this clear, syrupy stuff that's painfully sweet.....at least that is what they used with me for the upper GI while I was in recovery to check for leaks and blockages. they would know better not to make you drink that fizzy stuff and then the chalky stuff. that would be PAINFUL!
if an upper gi is when you drink barium and they look at it on an xray i actually had that right after surgery. the stuff i drank was clear and pretty nasty but i only had to drink 2 oz i think. they will probably use something that doesn't require you to drink alot since they know you've had the surgery. it's not too bad. good luck!
Well, I'm back. You were right, no yucky white goop. Nasty yellow liquid. Ugh. I am still shivering thinking of the taste. But it was not quite as awful as the white stuff.
Of course, they said it would take 1-2 business days for Dr. Moein to get the results. Nevermind the fact that I can't eat. Then if there is a blockage, I'll have to schedule the endoscopy. So I guess I won't be eating for about another year.
Oh, and it made me have TMI ALERT diarrhea. Fun times.
Ugh! The NP just called and said that she reviewed the results and that it shows no blockage or leaks, but some reflux (I never feel reflux, though).
She hasn't spoken with Dr. Moein yet because he's been in surgery, but will call me and let me know how he wants to proceed.
There has got to be something wrong. I swear I always get the stuff wrong with me that no one can figure out.