Great Debate-Trans Addiction

(deactivated member)
on 7/7/08 10:12 pm - Middle River, MD
Hey Jen!! Funny that this is today's topic, because I was gonna post something about alcohol after wls due to a couple of PM's I received recently. In any event, I don't know that I'll EVER be over my food addiction, so therefore, I don't think I've transferred it to anything else. I've always been a shopaholic, but thanks to rising gas prices and the fact that I now put between $120-150 A WEEK in my tank, I've tried to curb it a little.   I've always been a control freak, too, and since wls and the extra energy that comes with it, I think it's actually, sadly, gotten a little worse.  I think my brother and his kids want to run and hide when I come into their house!!  LOL!!! Thanks for making us think!! Tia
Jen L.
on 7/8/08 4:10 am - Frederick, MD
L:augh....I think we all start to get a little more OCD with wls because we are now more in tune with everything around us..... LOL-as for being the shopaholic....I hear I am a gasaholic...and please do not jump on that one cause I know where you will go with it and I know I opened myself up for that on....all my extra cash goes to the ole gas
Andy Kovatch
on 7/7/08 10:16 pm - York, PA
Addiction transfers are quite normal for wls patients.  A large majority of us are food addicts, whether we want to admit it or not.  After surgery, obviously we are not able to continue with the food addiction.  Since most of us have addictive genes to begin with, the addiction tends to transfer to something else.  For some, unfortunately, it winds up alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling and, yes, shopping.  Fortunately for others, that addiction can become excercising.  That became my addiction after surgery.  I know one wls patient that made support groups his new addiction.  So, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.  I do agree with the woman that said she wished it was something brought up prior to surgery.  It would be most beneficial to pre-ops to know this going in.  Maybe psycological help before surgery could make somewhat of a difference after surgery, I don't know.  I know another guy that had wls that turned into a serious gambler after surgery.  He lost everything - his job, house, car and, eventually, his wife.  She couldn't take it anymore and finally left.  It is real and it is important to know about, so please don't think it can't happen to you.  Not saying it WILL, but it CAN.  Addictions of any kind is a disease.

"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/7/08 10:36 pm - Annapolis, MD
Mine has been a combo of a few different things. One week it's shopping mostly for DVD's or clothes, then the next week it could be a project at home, the following week it's exercising. I tend to go in cycles of obsessions and that is how my eating patterns were too. Thankfully I haven't done that with booze or other harmful things but I can see how it could become an issue.
Gail K.
on 7/7/08 10:54 pm - Parkton, MD
Mine is still food addiction. Thank God I cannot eat as much as I used to. Also, I am starting with a new therapist this month to work through these issues. I will not touch alcohol with a 10 foot pole. My family is filled with alcohol addiction. Food was just my drug of choice. If I were to turn to alcohol it would all be downhill for me. I can really get into shopping too. I like to shop at thrift stores which keeps the spending under control somewhat. I wish I had the exercising and keeping my house in order to deal with right now.
Gail K
(deactivated member)
on 7/7/08 11:00 pm - Hagerstown, MD
Now that this has me thinking more, maybe I should give you a little bit of history wtih me.  At a very young age I was turned onto street drugs from pot to crack but my drug of choice was crystal meth.  I was a meth addict for a number of years before my life literally fell apart.  I was also a very heavy drinker.  I guess that goes with the lifestyle that I have.   what really turned my life around was from a walking accident of all things.  Not even the DWI I got would stop me.  I was walking to my front door after coming home from a party (my roommate at the time drove me home).  I had 2 fifths of rum during the party in a 3 hour period.  The house I lived in had one of those wrap around porches and the yard was nicely landscaped.  Well as soon as I got onto the porch to walk around to the front door, I blacked out and fell over the side of the porch.  I fell 7 feet head first into concrete below.  My roommate at the time had to go to the bathroom and went ahead of me.  When he was done he noticed that the door was still open.  He went outside and a car pulling up to stop yelled at him to ask him if I was alright.  He ran around to where I was and he found me face down and not breathing.  Luckily the neighbor across the street was an EMT.  They called for an ambulance while he tried to revive me.  They lost me twice before I finally came back.  That happened in 2000.  I have been clean and sober since then.  I guess you could say that I was scared sober.  I never want to be in that low of a spot ever again.  So i guess in my mind, smoking isn't all that bad LOL  but I know it is.  It's my last vice.
Nicole T.
on 7/8/08 2:32 am
i'm so glad you were given a second chance and i think you are doing a wonderful job. rome was not built in a day. i've actually thought about my food addiction in that way. i wish that something really bad woudl happen so that I would stop. but i guess it's better this way. i am still struggling with food but i am getting healthier over time. glad you have gotten so far!!! keep working it dude.
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/08 2:36 am - Middle River, MD
Aaron - First of all, you know I speak out of concern when I bust your chops, right?  I'm so glad you survived those horrors to be with us today.  I lost a cousin in January to a heroin addiction, it was something no one should have to witness. I just want you to be happy and healthy and here with us for a long time!!!! Hugs, Tia
Jen L.
on 7/8/08 3:12 am - Frederick, MD
Aaron, Glad to read that you made it through and happy you are hear with us today!!!! hugs jen
on 7/8/08 3:14 am
Aaron, You have come so far and your should be proud of how much you overcame, it could not have been easy.   It takes a strong reality check for most us to lead us in a strong direction.  Keep moving forward as a day at a time.   Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and letting us get to know you better.  You are are indeed a wonderful person!  Terri

Taking the Journey One Day at a Time!Terri

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