WHERE is Joteddie????
Tia, I have missed all of you too. I have been dragging because of my iron levels. I am just now beginning to feel like I am regaining some of the energy. And I look forward to getting back into the swing of things with all of you. I miss you too and thanks. I enjoyed being called a skinny *****!! hahahahaha
Hey Jo!!
So what are they doing to address your iron issues? Trust me, I am the former Princess of Low Iron. In addition to transfusions and iron infusions that I ultimately had to have, I used Vitron-C, which is iron with added Vitamin C, which aids in its absorption. If no one has suggested that, give it a try. I found it at Walgreen's and CVS, but strangely enough, not Walmart.
I'm there for ya - happy to call you a skinny ***** as much as you like!! LOL!!!