The Feed Bag
Okay, since Terri was right on top of things this weekend (thanks, hon!), we'll go with what we ate on Sunday.
All my fluids, all my vits
B - Protein bar
L - Chicken, zucchini, tomatoes & feta sauteed with Greek seasoning (YUM!)
S - Cantaloupe, watermelon, mango
D - Cube steak, tomatoes
S - Potato chips
Yesterday was a better eating day than the rest of the weekend!!! LOL
B-coffee, coffee and more coffee.....handful of these peanut butter pretzels
L-Strawberry Poppyseed salad w/ chicken from Panera.....chips and then later a bagel
D-Shrimp stirfry
Lots of water yesterday too.....did good with that!
Yesterday wasn't stellar but it was better than last weekend where I pretty much had one meal and a pot of coffee LOL
b - scrambled egg beaters (cheese and chive! YUMMY!)
l - chicken salad with 6 triscuits and a slice of fat free processed cheese product
d - protein shake
got my vits and almost all fluids in (thanks to Cira's love of the peach papaya Diet tea!)
Your lunch sounds yummy Tia!
All fluids, vitamins and supplements. 10 hours of sleep.
B - boiled egg and 1/2 slice of wheat toast
MS - watermelon
L - slice of pepperoni pizza (ugh, my new craving!!!!)
LS - s/f bomb pop
D - pork rib, steamed brocolli and a spoonful of potato salad
ES - handful of cashew and raisins
Not my best eating day ever, but I could have done alot worse. I've started today off with a protein shake, so I'm planning to do better.
Weight at Surgery (7/6/07) - 410
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
This was a good food weekend for me. Sunday I had:
B: 1 packet oatmeal
L: about 3 oz of grilled Greek chicken (leftover from the 4th cookout) with tziki made with Greek yogurt and my JiaJia's recipe, and 1/2 of a spanikopita (again, JiaJia's recipe)
D: Small salad with about 3 oz of turkey cut up on it
S: 3 corn fritters (not so good)
But all of my vitamins and fluids