OMG - Back to work tomorrow!!!
Well, after 6 weeks it is time for me to go back to work. I am still having the orthostatic hypotension but am managing it by medications and modifications. Perhaps going back to work will help with getting moving around some. I am a little nervous because I don't seem like the same person as I was when I worked there pre op. Does that make sense? A coworker and friend came to visit me the other day and took me to lunch and I found myself feeling very distant from her, it was strange. My focus is on taking care of myself and feeling better if that makes sense. I will try to join in from time to time during the day on the daily posts when I can. Thank you all for getting me through the long days at home recovering, if it were not for all of you, I would have never have made it through till now with a sane mind !! Chat with you soon.

You will do just fine, everyone is worried about going back to work. Just make sure you have your fluids and vitamins. Keep water on your desk so you remember to drink. I will try to call you this coming weekend to check on you. This is going to be a week of rest at night, I promise. I was so tired the first week it was not even funny. Who said we are sane? LOL
Hugs Kristen
Relax. Everything will work out. It's natural to feel the distance. You have been away from your co-workers for quite a while. Remember what it felt like when you come back to work after a week's vacation? You feel like you don't know where to start, what to do, etc. By the next day it feels like you never left. You're back to the same old, same old...
The one big difference will be that you will be concentrating on you! It's natural and necessary. And if your co-workers are supportive, they will help you along.
Please keep in touch. We all know that once we return to work, time is limited. Post when you can.
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Take it one day at a time honey, I promise it will get always does. protein is still a challenge for me but I have figured out a really cool recipe about 300-350 calories 1/2 cup OJ 1/2 cup frozen fruit (strwberries, blackberry, blueberry or raspberry) 1g protein 1/4-1/2 bananna 1 scoop vanilla whey protein (24g) optional (1/2 cup yougurt if you want a lil more protein) 3g protein enough ice to make the consistancy you want blend in a blender (makes 8-12oz) the oj breaks up the whey so you don't taste it so much...I live on this for breakfast