Ive noticed since I was absolutely positively sure that I was getting the surgery that certain friends/family members have been stand-offish...And refer to my WLS as "the surgery"...or "the diet"...They have no clue...its like its a disease to them. How is "the diet" coming along? WTF? This was just asked to me today...It isnt a f-ng diet...Despite the fact that I have been VERY informative with all of my "inner circle"..they still dont get it.
My mother even called me from Sarasota and told me that she cut out a lap band article for me that was in the paper down there...She said "Did you know you have to go back to the doctors every 2 or 3 years...I said MOM....Its more like every 2 weeks/to a month, until you are restricted..The 2-3 years may be AFTER your goal is met...She is CLUELESS..Though I have shared EVERYTHING with her, she chose not to listen to anything I said...because again..."It's "the surgery" forbidden...My mother is 58 and wears a that tell you something...she doesnt have a clue what its like to be over weight!!...ok...Breath...Im done ranting for right now....
LOL Rants allowed anytime! LOL We all need to AND that is one thing about WLSers....we all know where the other is coming from because of "the surgery" we have that common bond with each other and I think sometimes people who have no clue about being overweight and don't really understand about WLS can't really grasp what we go through and why we need the support that we need and get from other WLSers. A lot of times, even when we have been very informative and shared all with our 'inner circle' they really don't understand because they don't really KNOW. Now there is MY rant for right now! LOL