Home, but still don't know what's wrong
I developed a God awful belly ache on Friday. After 12+ hours of thinking "it's gonna go away" I puked and I ended up in the hospital. I had every test known to man and the CT was negative, still waiting for US results. Liver enzymes were totally wacky and WBC's a little high. I do not have a gall bladder (out 10 years ago). The main pain is located at my belly button (no hernia) and when it is pressed on the pain radiates straight through my back and in to the left upper quadrant of my belly under my ribcage. At first they thought it was my appendix, but just presenting atypically. That was not the answer. After pain meds, anti-nausea meds and tons of iv fluids, 4 liter bolus's followed by maintence fluids at 200/hr. Boy did I pee. BP was low 80's/50's, HR was high in the 130's
Anyway, still know nothing have to see a gastroenterologist, which I will do tomorrow. But, I'm home and feeling pretty good. Just bit tired. No one sleeps in the hospital!
Me and my medical madness this has me puzzled. I wonder what on earth it could be. I would question the liver levels but mmmmmmmmmm again I am puzzled. Those pain meds will drop your BP to the floor sometimes. I only play a doctor on TV.
I hope you feel better soon. Your husband was very nice on the phone. Keep us posted after you see gastro. Did you call your WL surgeon?
Hugs Kristen
OMG KIM!!!! I'm sorry that you're going through this! i wish i could help! if the pain is centered around your belly button, maybe it's peritinitis (sp?) or maybe a muscle spasm in the abdominal wall? I dunno...just thought I would throw that out there. anyway, I hope you get to feeling better hon! HUGS!!!!
So sorry you are going through all this! Will keep you in my prayers they figure out what the heck is going on and get you all fixed up! BTW have they checked you for any type of infection in your reproductive area like in your tubes? Something I went through last October and wound up septic and in the hospital.....emergancy surgery, etc. Can PM you the gorey details..just your stuff sounds somewhat similar to what I went through.