Just Checking in
Hey Everybody:
I just wanted to step inhere and let you all know how I am doing. Things are going really well. My weight loss has been fairly steady, though I've been in an holding pattern at 229 for two days now. :( I started out at 260, so that would mean I've lost 31 pounds, which feels like blessing.
The biggest improvement I've noticed is that my sleep is so so much better. Before I had sevee sleep apnea which requred a CPAP setting of 16. I didn't really see much of an improvement with the CPAP, but now with the weight coming off, feel normal again. I have a sleep cycle when Im supposed to. And the biggest thing is that I have my dreams back and they are so vivid. It feels like I haven't had a dreams in years. It was starting to get so bad that I would fall asleep at work.
I am starting to feel really good about how I look. Alot of peple have been giving me compliments, but I don't think they knew I had the surgery.
I feel that I am more positive when I'm working with Denver. His pull is stronger and much more consisten. And I hav actually remembered to praise him more often when we're on the street. For a while, I got int h is mode of he's 7, he should just know certain things and would totally forget to praise him for what I expected. It took a trainer coming from the Seeing Eye to whip me back into shape.
I have lost alot of swelling in my legs and face. No more big baby cheeks. Someone told e that I look more like a young woman instead ofa teen ager. I'm not sure of what that means, but she said it wasn't a bad thing.
I can feel my bones in my legs, feet, arms, and shoulder which feel like a novelty.
But the best measuring stick is that my blood pressure has been perfect, I'm onlytaking one medication and am on the way of being off of that one. I'm off the diabetes meds. So I'm doing good.
It is a bit difficult with getting all of the liquids in, so I've been busy with that. Following the 30/90 rule.
I really appreciateeveryone who called and wrote me. That was a big motivator.
I was going to give it a couple more days and then you were getting a call! I am so proud of you, 31 pounds is wonderful. Just wait in a couple months you will feel like a million bucks! I am glad that you are feeling better and feeling positive about yourself. There is only one way to go from here and that is up and the weight is going to go down. I can't wait to see you and Denver again! Keep us posted or I will be calling.
Hugs Kristen

I am so proud if you!! You are ding great. Congratulations on the 31 pounds. That is amazing!
I am so glad you are done with your diabetes meds and soon your BP med will be gone too yay!
I can't wait to see pics of the new you.
Take care and give Denver a big hug from me.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal