Product Rec
The other day my H wanted Chic-Fil-A but felt bad about bringing it home since I wouldn't be able to eat it (and I loved Chic-Fil-A pre-surgery). I told him it was fine if he just got me a diet lemonade there.
It was so delicious. I got them pre-surgery, but it just seems like such a special treat now. It does have a little bit of sugar (2-3g depending on the size you get) because it is made with real lemon juice, so it is natural fruit sugar. But it also has 100% of the daily vitamin C and 20% of the daily calcium (in a large). Plus I'd assume that it counts toward your fluid intake.
I was so excited drinking it. It doesn't taste "diet" to me and it is nice and tangy. It was nice to have something other than water (I occasionally have Crystal Light, but it does have that "diet" taste IMO). Plus it has added benefits over and above water or CL (the Vit C and Calcium).
The next day, my H went over and bought me a gallon of it. Of course, I got a tooth pulled on Wednesday, so I've been hesitant to drink it because I'm afraid it will burn my gums, being acidic and all.
You know you can get the drinks like Crystal lite from walmart. The brand is great value and unlike crystal lite they have no calories and 0 sugar. They are great and do not have the diet taste like crystal lite does. The sunrise orange is great, the apple flavor is wonderful and the grape is really good too. They definitely count towards your fluids.
At this early out you have to becareful on how much sugar you take since it can get you sick.
But a glass a day is just fine.
Later on when you are a few months post op you can have chic-Fli-A without the bread. I love it!
I hope you feel better soon.
I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
You know I go to Chic fil a evry once in awhile and just order the 8 pack of chicken nuggets....the meat is moist so doesn't bother my pouch and lots of protein!!! takes me about an hour or 2 to eat them all, BUT 260 calories and 27g of protein.. and when you are tired of protein shakes it is a wonderful treat.
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/08 5:45 pm - Millersville, MD
on 7/5/08 5:45 pm - Millersville, MD
i've been drinking a lot of those powerade zeros in place of water. they have zero calories, zero sugars and zero carbs. they taste just like gatorade, but without the sugar and calories. great alternative to water, which really, really bores me.