tooting my horn a little
Ok, so I am still head deep in a stall. Fooey- I have cut back, done liquids only, scale not budging. BBBBUUUUTTTTT- today I got the results of my bloodwork from my yearly physical.
OMGoodness! I am so excited. Last year my Cholesterol was 208, now it is 123!
My glucose last year at my physical- 139, now 79!
So here is a look at what I got back...
Hemoglobin - 13
Hematocrit - 37.1
Ast- 16
Alt - 23
Albumin - 4.3
Calcium - 9.2
Sodium - 142
Potassium - 3.9
Triglcerides- 51
HDL - 45
LDL - 68
B-12 - 461
TSH - 1.11
So I think it all looks great- and so much better than last year!