Okay, for accountability purposes, we need to get back into this:
On Tuesday:
All my fluids, all my vits
B - Greek yogurt with berries and cereal
L - Two soft taco frescos from Taco Bell (YES, I EAT FAST FOOD SOMETIMES - TAKE THAT, NEIL!!! LOL!)
D - 6 chicken wings - not the whole things, just the little drumette parts (you know, the baby chicken leg part)
BS - Bad Snack - 2 sea salt chocolate covered caramels (sue me!)
S - small banana/pb (since my rumbly tumbly told me I hadn't eaten enough)
All my tis and almost all of my fluids
B - Protein shake
L - Grilled chicken breast from a Wendy's sandwich - Without the bun
D - Tried Scallops (Didn't work out), Tried Shrimp Salad (Didn't work out) - ended up eating peanut butter crackers (200 calories). This was the best meal I've had in some time.
S - S/F popsicle and SF pudding.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!
Okay... on Tuesday: B: Protein shake & 2oz. cheese; S: 1/2 c. LF Yogurt w/fruit; L: 2.5 oz. tuna w/1 t. mayo; S: Protein Drink; D: 1/4 meat from Arby's Roast beef (just a BITE of the bun). All my meds and vitamins. Still not getting in those liquids! Only got in 32 oz. yesterday! Today so far: B: Protein Shake 1/2 oz.cheese w/1 slice deli ham. Almost time for my yogurt! Deb
B - I forgot to bring my oatmeal so I had a protein shake
L - 1/4 cup chicken salad and about 10 grapes
D - 1/4 cup chicken salad with 7 townhouse crackers and 3/4 cup of tomato juice
2 protein shakes during the day as snacks
Today so far
B - 1/2 cup oatmeal
L - 1/3 cup chicken salad and about 4 grapes
Got all my vits in and still working on the fluids