Three things are a bit hard sometimes but it does make you think about the good things in our lives
1. Cable came back on this morning : we lost it last night and I was so bored I was
in bed at 9:00 pm Could not do the water classes at the gym because of the storm so
I spent the evening at home.
2. My brother and sister in law are visiting from Florida: going to dinner and spending
some time with them tonight. Also going to put Bro to work hooking up my Wii. I am so
electronically and technology challenged.
3. My Magic Bullet : love it for making a fruit smoothie after the workouts at the gym
4. The biggest one of all that Gia and Cira may get to come home to the rest
of the family.
Have a great day everyone and stay cool
Good morning.
1. that my electric was back on this morning when I woke up. My well pump was broken and I had not had a shower since Sunday. Hubby stayed home from work and fixed it yesterday and lo and behold the electric went out before I took my shower.
2. for my new home in Bethany Beach. I am taking 3 girlfriends there this weekend and we are staying until Monday.
3. for being able to feel comfortable on the beach in a swim suit. Haven't been able to do that in a very long time.
4. for Blue Bunny ice cream. The no sugar added and low fat rocky road.
5. for Tia. who keeps us updated on baby Gia and gets us to think about things we are grateful for. It's a good thing to start out our day.
Gail K
Three things are rough today...1)that I felt almost better enough today to come back to work (should I be grateful for that?) 2)that I bought 2 new bathing suits, besides the arms and the legs, they looked ok. Plastics can't come soon enough. 3) extra income now that I am renting my basement. Shopping anyone?