Sometimes it is hard to think of three things, but I love this post (Thanks Tia!) because it makes me think and be more positve. 1) That I actually feel like I have more energy today and that i was only minimally dizzy upon standing today
2) That I think the two litte white pills, that I hate to take are helping with this low blood pressure, when I didn't see any hope, I was getting depressed 3) It is a nice day out and the sun is shining . I will cheat and add one more 4) for my OH friends who take the time to
post and keep everyone updated and who are a wealth of knowledge not to mention so enteratining at imes
!! Everyone have a wonderful day!!!!

Hey Nic - I just can't imagine how Cira's feeling - I'd be wanting to grab every person in scrubs and shake the hell out of them until I got an answer!!!! She lives in Odenton, near Ft. Meade. You live north of me, so if/when I go, I'll let you know and we can carpool!!! Do you feel like for the next 8 days that you wanna do absolutely nothing? Oh, yeah, traffic sucks majorly. Keep getting back on that bike - we'll buy you a new chain and inner tubes if you need 'em!!!
Um........thanks...................but I could NEVER be a lesbian, I don't like the taste of hoo-hoo!! ROFLMAO!!
If you're a fan of Sex & the City, do you remember the scene where they're talking about oral, and Charlotte says, "Oh, no, he's not kissing me after that - not without an Altoids and a tissue!!!"???? Yep, that's me. LOL!!!