Okay, I've been carrying something around since Sunday. I haven't pressured Cira to share, because it's horrific, but she just gave me the go ahead and said that maybe, the more people who know, the more they pray, the better the results.
On Sunday, during one of the many attempts to start an IV in Gia, a tech was holding Gia down while a nurse from the NICU attempted to insert the needle.
The nurse stuck the tech with the needle instead. And, immediately, without changing the needle or saying anything to anyone, stuck Gia. It happened so quickly, and when Cira immediately objected, they tried to play it off. Well, thank God she raised such a ruckus that they finally took it seriously. They drew a blood sample from the tech and sent it STAT for HIV results.
The results came back positive for HIV. They've drawn samples from Gia and Cira (since she'd given birth so recently), and are awaiting the results, which hopefully, will be in today or tomorow. They've also started Gia on the HIV ****tail, which consists of 3 different meds, including AZT. Unfortunately, the meds have to be given to Gia orally, and are so bitter and nasty that she keeps spitting them back up and they have to start again. It's also affecting her gastrointestinal tract, making her gassy, rumbly and causing diarrhea. Even if the results come back negative, they're going to keep her on the meds for the next 30 days as a precaution.
As none of us can imagine, Cira is a basketcase. She's spoken with chaplains, family, doctors (all of whom have tried to downplay it, of course), and she's trying really hard not to play "What if..." but she's beside herself wondering what the future will hold for Gia. She is trying to stay positive, but breaks down constantly.
I can imagine how you all must feel reading this, because I've felt the same way since I learned this Sunday night. Because Cira's so distraught, I've reminded her to NOT speak to any hospital personnel about the incident and NOT to sign anything that might absolve the hospital of any liability. I also called an attorney for her first thing Monday, he is the head of the malpractice department for a huge downtown law firm, and he's going to speak with her when they get home. However, first in our priority is to pray that the results are negative and that they can come home. Anything else is secondary.
Cira is SOOOOOOO, SO grateful for everyone's prayers and offers to help. There's nothing anyone can do right now except PRAY LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE.
I will keep you updated as I know more.
Teresa (Tia)
Dear God! I wasn't prepared to read this when I opened your message Tia.
I have been lifting up their family in prayer all week and I will focus my prayers on this specific issue now. Please share are love and concern with Cira and Gino!
Weight at Surgery (7/6/07) - 410
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
Weight at Start of Pregnancy (3/08) - 268
Current Weight - 270

The new love of my life!
Marcus Taylor, born 1/13/09
First, that's a terrible story and you can be assured that hospital is reeling as they should be! Second, the chance of Gia getting HIV from a fingerstick is VERY low. It is not like she was innoculated with the virus and transmission risk is low. HOLY CRAP is all I can say. I'm not a praying kind of person so will pass it on to those that are ;-) Was the healthcare worker aware they were HIV positive? If not, their viral load would be low hence an even smaller risk of transmission. Hopefully, they were negative for Hep C or the like.
Oh my Gosh! I will certainly being sending more prayers up for all of them! Tia, I am so glad you are there to guide Cira right now. Speaking to anyone about this at the hospital would certainly be one of the worse things she could do right now! Continue to let her know that we are all thinking about her and upholding her in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the update! Deb