Seeing Eric post for the first time in a while made me think about Markwrench from Parkville. Remember him? He was a mechanic who used to end his posts with, "Mark - who is learning to love s/f Jello" and stuff like that?
WHERE IS HE? Does anyone keep in touch with him? His profile isn't updated, and I was just thinking of him ad wondering how he was! If you see or talk to him, send him this way, wouldja?
1st: I haven't been online in a few days, so I apologize that I haven't responded to important posts, like news on baby Gia. Thanks to everyone who has kept the board updated, and I am going to read all of the info tonight and tomorrow.
2nd: Mark hasn't been on in months, but I did see him a couple of weeks ago, at the store. He looks great, and is doing well. I believe he said he had lost about ~130. I'm not quite sure why he hasn't been on the boards, or attending support group meetings. Perhaps life for a business owner is just to hectic. But, like I said, he looks great and says he feels great. I'll be sure to tell him everyone asked about him and sends their best when I see him again. He occassionally shops where I work, part-time.