Why Did You Decide To Have Surgery?
very good question, my dear. i resisted the idea of surgery for a long time, believing that i should be able to do this for myself. but when the only other option was get arrested so i couldn't eat, i decided to try surgery. but here are the other reasons: 1. i was 340lbs and gaining more every year. 2. I couldn't stick to a diet for more than two weeks. 3. I have PCOS and insulin resistance and studies were showing RNY would significantly help or cure the insulin resistance. 4. I want to have a child before I am too old. 5. I want to live my life instead of hide from it.
Wow this is a great question: I have also always been overweight; and my father always said one day it would catch up with me : well about three years ago it did . I had just turned 42 and went for an annual check up: She put me on bloodpressure meds: I could no longer get away with saying my blood pressure was high because of " WHITE COAT SYNDROME". About a week later came the phone call: come in I want to discuss your bloodwork. Yes that was the you have Diabetes; lets try these meds and exercise and weight loss. It scared the hell out of me . I tried the meds and diet ; lost 45 Lbs. and was told you don't have to come back for 3 months; gained 20 back during that three months; by the time 9 months rolled by I had gained it all back plus about 5 more. My family and friends were worried: and finally came the day I said I'm ready. I called to set up the seminar: the day before the seminar I told my parents I was going and bless their hearts they both went with me that night. I was scared but DVR and Dr Mo gave me such hope that night . It was a long road 9 months from seminar to surgury; But along the way Mom was there at Dr's visits and support groups. I thank God for my best friend of many years who led me too this board.
She had the surgury 5 years before I finally took the leap; her two
sisters had done it as well before her. I was chicken and it took me a long
time to decide to make this leap but I THANK GOD everyday that I did.
As for me, I have stuggled all my life with weight I a came into the world a 11 pound baby. As a child I was teased and called names. I continued the struggle into adult hood and through the birth of my three children, son, and twins, a boy and girl now grown adults. You name the diet programs, I tried them- Physican's Weight Loss, Weigh****chers, TOPS- Take of Pounds Sensibly just to name a few. Non of the programs worked for me, or should I say the programs worked I just did not work the programs. I had been researching gastric bypass surgery for years and was always scared of the open method with the NG tube and all and this turned me off and frankly I heard nightmares about the open style, so I vowed that when medical science found a better way I would give it a try if the medical insurance paid for it. Last year I started having alot of problems with the start of diabetes, mobility and getting our of breath, I also was in a mind set I don't give a dam anymore and my weight plummeted up to 320 pounds the highest I ever weighed. About that time, a friend from work whose husband was huge almost 500 found Dr. Singh who performed his surgery in November of 2007- I told my friend to let me know how he made out and if he had a NG tube for the surgery. I tracked her husband's process over the next few months. In January I called my insurance company and asked them if this is something they would cover and they said pending all requirements were met, they would. I then went to the free Seminar at St. Agnes in February the journey then began!!!
I guess my reasons for wanting the surgery at this moment is vanity with a secondary glance at my health...and I admit it...yes I am 265 lbs, but I dont "feel" like Im fat..Ive never bee teased when i was growing up because I havent been fat my whole life..in HS I was a size 9...after I had my first child I lost down to a size 7...I gained this weight from 1992 to now...When I look in the mirror I see an attractive 36 year old plump woman..But when I see pictures of myself, I think OH SHYT..is that how I look? I dont have any major health problems..Im not diabetic, dont have problems walking, my knees are fine...but I do get out of breath when I walk upstairs or up a hill..and that just kills me...and I know it isnt healthy..
I just want to be "normal"..I want to go into a restaurant and know I can fit in their booth..not look to see which side of the booth is bigger..and pray that my breasts dont sit on the table because I am soo squished...I want to go dancing and not have sweat dripping down my face and have to catch my breath after the first dance, I want to go to the beach with my daughters and enjoy myself..not just sit on the beach because my fat @SS cant get out of the sand without looking like a beached whale...I want to wear a skimpy drop dead gorgeous men salivating all over themselves pair of heels and dress just because I can...I want to put on a pair of jeans and say "damn I look good"...I want to ride amusement park rides and be able to breath at the same time...lol..some of those roller coaster rides killed me because I was packed in there so tight...I dont want to be the fattest person at my family reunions, at work, at a party...I want to have awesome mind blowing, tearing up the house sex...I want a man to be able to pick me up and do the deed standing up...LMAO...OMG>>TMI TMI...I could go on...but Ill save you all the misery..lol...