Okay, everyone, don't forget, Cira & Gino are leaving us for the lush hills of West Virginia. Ask her to post pics - the house and yard are BEEYOOTIFUL!!!
Please join us for a luncheon in their honor:
Sunday, June 8 - 1:00 p.m.
Timbuktu Restaurant -
Spouses and children are welcome - but both will be sold if they misbehave!!
Everyone will pay for their own meal and contribute toward Cira & Gino's. PLEASE bring cash (small bills) , no credit cards. The restaurant will NOT give separate checks.
Please RSVP to me by Thursday, June 5, 2008. If you responded to the reminder that I posted a week or so ago, you're on my list!!!!
Thanks, hope to see you there!
Please join us for a luncheon in their honor:
Sunday, June 8 - 1:00 p.m.
Timbuktu Restaurant -
Spouses and children are welcome - but both will be sold if they misbehave!!
Everyone will pay for their own meal and contribute toward Cira & Gino's. PLEASE bring cash (small bills) , no credit cards. The restaurant will NOT give separate checks.
Please RSVP to me by Thursday, June 5, 2008. If you responded to the reminder that I posted a week or so ago, you're on my list!!!!
Thanks, hope to see you there!
Hi Tia,
I want to say I'm coming because it would be great to meet eberyone in person! But I have to play it by ear since as a preop I am still VERY tired and weekends are spent resting. If I feel up to it I'll pop in and surprise you all. Cira is moving really close to me in Frederick. Hey I'm still waiting to hear about your brother Gary's many wonderful qualities. Brag away! and No, I don't take a hint because I do not take it personally when someone online does not respond to a post. I know people are just busy.