i am grateful for:
1. the love of my husband. sometimes in my hatred of myself i am not able to receive the love of my husband but i was able to see it yesterday and today and was quite humbled by it. I love him so much!
2. that my references for that job have been contacted. i am actually going to get an offer soon! i will write a separate email about this. there is more to the story!
3. that i am going to see a new chiropractor today. my lower back is killing me!
Hey Nicole -
Sounds like he's a good man. Take it from me, even with all their faults, there's nothing like the love and respect of a good man.
Now, can we please work on you loving and respecting yourself? Easier said than done, I know!! Why is it that some people seem to have NO self-esteem, and others have TOO much??? Don't worry, I fall into the first category - it's a hard cycle to break.
Hopefully, as you continue to lose weight, your back will ache less and less!!!
Hang in there!!!
Shame on you, Jen!!!!! LOL!!! Brothers ARE great dates, aren't they? I had somebody ask mine and me how long we'd been together!!! Um......................35 years????? So, speaking of brother's, we know MINE is single - is YOURS???????
Fine, since yours is under control, you can have mine!!! Debt, not brothers!!!
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood for a walk today!!!
You know, if the baby bro was just a lil older, I would set you up, but he is only 14 a happy accident baby. LOL.....he is 6 2 though and looks 18. While at the game last night a the guy next to us described us as a couple. I know i look young and he older, but lordy...a couple?
Incidently the Sox lost.... BUT it was a fabulous game, totally suprised by the Orioles and their hitting
On June 2, 2008 at 12:46 PM Pacific Time, Jen L. wrote:
1. Going to see the Red Sox spank the Orioles tonight with my brother who incidently is the best date I will have had in a while...LOL
2. I have my debt under control...WOO HOO
3. I walked 3 miles today Hi Tia,
Boy you are up early in the morning, girl! I love sex in the city and especially Chris Noth. mmm, he's Yummy. I haven't seen the movie yet but I will soon. I'm curious about crayons now, hmm.
3 things to be grateful for today:
I finally paid off a credit card debt I owed, and what a relief that is.
I am finally ready to have my surgeon submit request for insurance approval for my surgery.
I have not given up hope that I will have the surgery and regain my health, and that there is still romance and love in my future.