New pics!
I put up a couple new pictures of me 22 days post op. I can tell in the face and upper body...lower body I'm still struggling with but that comes with more exercising and stuff. I'm even contemplating shaving my beard down to a goatee (I look totally wierd when I'm clean shaven so I have to have some facial hair LOL).
Aaron, You have the best eyes!! You look like you have lost a considerable amount from just 2 weeks ago when I last saw you. You are going to be soooooo over the 100 lb mark when I see you again in just a few weeks. Holy Cow!! How are you feeling?? Almost 100 lbs down. Isn't that a 6th grader or something??
chewable food is AWESOME!!!!!!! Although my tastes have totally changed completely!!! I used to have a HUGE sweet I'm a savory guy. Sweets make me sick...even crystal light makes me sick because it's too sweet. So I stick with my scrambled eggs in the morning and chicken salad for lunch and dinner. This weekend I have been having cottage cheese and V8 (with some chili powder, cumin, worcestershire (or however you spell it) sauce and a dash of salt to make it taste not so bland) which is pretty good! ANYTHING is better than having runny pudding and applesauce LOL