Doing Ok -Need Friends & Emotional Support
Hey Terri! I can tell you that my emotions were on a roller coaster after the surgery. I cried at the drop of a hat and when my help at home finally left, I wailed like a baby. It's all normal hon. Just hang in there, it's going to get much better especially when you lose the weight before're going to beam because people are going to notice right away :)
HI Terri,
Everyone else has said it all, but I wanted to tell you I am here if you need to talk and that what you are feeling is completely normal and only temporary. Some days you may wonder why you got WLS and wish to go back. Other days you are going to be SO GLAD you did this. It is a major adjustment tryint to let go of using eatign a coping skill and using other means to soothe yourself if you have been eating in response to emotions. Take care and take it easy. If the negative mood sticks around more than two days at a time please seek treatment from a mental health professional in case you need help to get through this transition. We are all in this together.