Doing Ok -Need Friends & Emotional Support

I am who I am and accept my feelings wholeheartedly.
Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
Cira 249/144.0 current/goal 154/ 5'3" 10 lbs below my Dr's goal
Terri -
DITTO to everything Cira said. And you have my numbers, too. Sometimes, it's easier for me to email from work as opposed to talking on the phone - at least this way, it LOOKS like I'm working.
Your body and mind have just gone through a huge amount of physical and emotional stress. Ultimately good stress, but still. Plus, in women, estrogen is stored in fat cells and when you lose rapidly, it can cause hormonal imbalances. Boy, did it ever in me!!! Can you say Sybil???????
Everything you're feeling - mourning food, wondering if you did the right thing, wondering if you'll EVER be able to eat normally again - is completely normal. In fact, I'd wonder about you if you weren't thinking and feeling these things.
We're here for ya, honey!
I have every intention of attending the support group at St. Agnes next week. I'm really looking forward to meeting you and seeing how you're making out.
I don't have the wisdom of our post-op friends yet, but from what I understand, what you're feeling is completely normal.
Take care, sweetie.
Thanks for your support. I believe the two support group meeting are going to conflict but I certainly hope not, because the one at St. Agnes is on Emotional Issues by Bea Flynn and I will need that at this point. Refresh my memory- Are you scheduled for surgery? If so, what type and if not, are you in the planning process and is there anything I can do for you? Are you already commtted to use Dr. Singh?
Right now I just have to go to my psych evaluation on June 10th and then they can get my insurance approval. I also have to have a sleep study, I go to the consult next Tuesday, so hopefully the sleep study will come soon after. I've already committed to Dr. Singh for RNY and I'm hoping to have surgery in July or August. Can I ask how far off your surgery was once it was scheduled?