You've been under a lot of pressure at home and work lately, so please don't add to your insult by beating yourself up.
So you had pasta, so what? So did I. But I bet it's nowhere near what you would've eaten pre-op. Just focus on how far you've come, not the rest of the journey, and it will come!!!!
thanks for being kind to me. i just finished throwing up for the second time since last night cuz i ate stuff that made me sick. i really have a very destructive streak in me. i feel so bad right now. i feel like a ******g idiot! luckily i see my acupuncturist today. she is so great and hopefully she can give me some love. i am going back to the bathroom now to throw up a little more. don't be jealous!
Stop calling yourself names!! I know it's a vicious cycle - you eat the wrong stuff, get sick, get disgusted with yourself, eat to make yourself feel better or to punish yourself, and it begins again. I don't begin to know how to tell you to stop, but you have to.
I know this sounds crazy, but last summer, I was REALLY obsessing about this guy that I'd met and liked, who wound up going back to his ex. I was devastated, and making myself (and my friends) NUTS!! I put a rubber band around my wrist, and EVERY time I thought of him, I snapped that thing!!! Nuts, yes, but it worked!!!!
I know you want to succeed at this Nic, but you need to work from the inside out - to sound trite, you need to work on what's eating you and then you can work on what you're eating.
Call me if you need to!!!