1) Thank you for Power Aid and G2, I started to eat yesterday per the doctor and I am so ill it is not even funny, more fluids today but I am ok with it. So with all that being said there is another trip to the pharmacy today but not to the ER. This is all normal. I did not get enough antibiotics before they operated and I have a bacteria infection in the bowel (I know TMI). 2) I have lost 11 pounds in one week since all this madness started, not the way to lose but it is what it is and I will take it. 3) I am thankful to my Aunt who is taking Gabby for the weekend, so I can get some rest.
4) Speaking of rest, I feel a nap this afternoon.
5) I almost forgot, how could I. Today is the last day you will see me in glasses, WOOT contact here I come. I am really excited about touching my eye ball!
1. My awesome husband. My surgery *should* be sometime in July or August and I won't have enough leave accrued to be paid the whole time I'm off, so my hubby has been working all the overtime he can so we can sock away money for when I'm not getting paid.
2. My dietician who told me to forgo the 2 week liquid diet and to instead do a high-protein, low-fat diet from now until I have to do the liquid diet right before surgery.
3. The beautiful weather. I feel an extra spring in my step of gorgeous days like today.
Happy Friday everyone!