New to Board
I'm very new to this site, about a week i guess i've been tyring to navigate my way through the message boards and ended up here.
Everyone here seems to be very friendly and sounds like you all know each other. I"m scheduled for surgery on June 10th and I'm just looking for some support. I'm being lapbanded and i'm pretty nervous. Is 5 days enough time before going back to work?
Welcome Jamie,
Congradulations on your upcoming surgery. I had mine put in April 9th and had my first fill May 9th. I had surgery on Wed, took off Thursday and worked from home on Friday and Monday, Went to work on Tuesday half a day. You will probably be fine after 5 days. I jsut stayed home since my mom was in town and I also couldn'[t drive for a week. If you have surgery on a Tuesdaty, I think you would be more than fien on next Monday at work, just remember two things, walk walk walk and sip sip sip (vioce of experience, I got dehydrated the second night after surgery) and felt so bad. Other wise I felt great, not even used my pain meds after 1st night and discontinued liquid Tylenol after 3rd night. Let me know if you have ANY questions. Also you might invest in a heating pad since it was my life saver, usually we get shoulder pain because of the gas and heating pad works marvels