Tuesday's 3 Things!
Gee, it's raining - we haven't had rain in SOOOOO long. UGH!!! Make it stop!!! Be careful driving to and fro in this mess, please!!
1. That my follow-up doc appt. is today - Hopefully, I'll find out that the surgery did, in fact, work, and I'll get the clearance to go back to the gym. Remind me of this on the days I say, "I don't want to go to the gym!"
2. That our softball league rules say a new inning can't start past 7:45 - at that time last night, we were only at the top of the 4th and OMG! this scorekeeper was a popsicle!!!! Sugar-free, of course!!! I had to count all my digits to make sure they were still there!!!! BUT THE GIRLS WON 16-11!!!!
3. Hot flavored tea - Quickly following #2, I indulged in one of my (many) weaknesses. This stuff keeps me sane sometimes, and at any given time, I probably have 6 different flavors. My drug of choice last night was Gingerman Tea. I get them from Baltimore Coffee & Tea in Timonium. For anyone who likes Cracker Barrel or McD's sweet tea, BC&T has Back Porch Iced Tea - I brew a cup, add Splenda and lemon and pour over ice - OMG!!!! a great summertime drink!!!
Okay, that's all I've got for this post this a.m. Stay tuned for the Feed Bag!!!
1. That I survived Pilates class last night .
2. That I am going to have dinner with my sister and niece tomorrow:
BIL is out of town so we are going to have a girls dinner tomorrow.
3. That I got up early and made Congrats cards for my niece Maureen.
She gets her MBA tomorrow: I am just so proud of her.
She is set for surgury next week on her shoulder and ribs:
She has "chronic writers cramp" and the only hope is this
surgury so please please send up some prayers ; there
is only a 50-50 chance this will work but its a chance - She
completed her senior year at Penn State and her MBA class
at Towson without being able to write : THANK GOD for laptops.
Hey Tia! Walt cleared me to do some limited activities at the gym. I can walk, I can bike, and I can get in the pool. No weights right now and probably not for a good while b/c of the baby. I'll talk to my perinatalogist about limitations during pregnancy and see what she says outside of the sciatica issue.