My interview
Well, I finally had that much awaited interview on Friday. I felt that it went well but I didn't hit it out of the park. For those that need background info: I am an engineer and I currently have a job in baltimore. it is ok but there are certain things about it that suck. i only started working here a little over a year ago and when i was interviewing for jobs (i got laid off) i interviewed with the company in question. I thought it went great. I never heard from them unfortunately and accepting this current job. I got an email from the guy who I interviewed with asking if i might be interested in a new opportunity. He basically said he liked me last time but they went with someone with more experience with this specific software. he kept my resume just in case. so i said heck yeah i'm interested. this job is 10 minutes up route 40, no traffic. they have every other friday off and a gym on the premises. it would be PERFECT for me. so anyway, Jason the guy who likes me told me when i got there that the other guy they hired left because the company wasn't a good fit for him. He wanted more leadership responsibility, i think. they are a pretty small company. So i interviewed with him and this other guy Mark, who leads the group i would be hired into. he liked the fact that i can do technical writing as well as modeling work. but i said two things that i felt could have been taken badly by him. Not sure if they were but i felt bummed about it afterwards.
ok so now I sent them an email with my transcripts from drexel, which they asked for at the interview. this is the email i got from jason back:
Thanks Nicole,
I have forwarded your transcripts to Mark for his review. I thought your interview went well, and you should here from us as Mark promised, by Monday of next week regarding the status of the position. You also should have received an email from me this morning with a link to BRL-CAD.
If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to give me a call or email.
I think that sounds promising. He also sent me another email with a link to a program they use there. I think that is also good.
Opinions please
Good luck. The letter seems to be very positive. Even if it wasn't positive, you never know, I didn't get any word from my current job after the interview for over 1 month, finally my current PM called me and said: Have you heard anytihng from our HR ( In my mind I was like, UHMMM you should know bettter thatn me) then he went on to sya we would like to extend an offer to you.
Also I am not sure if you are in software industry or not, if you are pm me and you might be interested to see what my company has since we do hae one office in downtown Balt. and aggressively recruiting.
p.s. Good luck!
Nicole: I've been in HR for a very long time. I think the feed back that you received from your potential employer is good. They have to be very careful about what is said before they actually give you an offer. They must check everything out before they can tell you that you have the job, but if they weren't interested, they wouldn't be asking.
Lisa Z.
When we believe, all things are possible!