Where Does It Go?
There are a bunch of us out in in OH cyberland losing weight every day. I've lost 130 lbs of my own. My goodness, if we added up the weight loss of everybody on the MD board the results would be staggering. I seem to recall a thing from science class all those years ago called the Law of Conservation of Mass. If I remember correctly, it said something to the effect that matter can't be created or destroyed (wouldn't my teachers be proud!). I'm sure I'm *******izing the concept but I figure it means that if we lose weight, it can't just disappear. It has to go somewhere. There must be equalibrium. My question is where does it all go?
My wife said she would like to start. She says a lot of the weight that I lost went "straight to her a$$." Please excuse the language as there could be a tad bit of bitterness there.
I would love to hear what you think. Post your answers below.
Have fun with this. I look forward to seeing how creative you are,
Every morning in
It’s seems that all spouses (current and ex), pre-surgery folks and even co-workers are getting all the excess weight. I kinda always suspected something like that but now it is confirmed.
I’m definitely on the Kristen boat that it is never coming back to me. Hey Kristen, while I'm on that boat, I will definitely keep my eyes open for your boobs!
Great answers, everybody!!