My first thought is to ask if your sisters are overweight too? If so, this could be their way of telling you that they don't want you getting skinnier than them. Trust me, it WILL change the way you interact with them. It has definitely changed the way my wife and I do things and if they are your best friends it is bound to happen.
I recommend that if you have reached the place in your life where you know you need to do this, then do it. Do it for YOU and don't listen to them. Yes, it will be very hard but your quality of life will improve like you can't even imagine. After they see the positive changes in you, they will hopefully come around to your way of thinking anyway.
You don't mention how old you are (and I woundn't dare ask) but even if you don't have any of the comorbidities associated with being overweight now, they may be just around the corner. If regular diet and exercise just doesn't work for you, WLS is a viable alternative and makes an extremely good tool. You just need to go into it making an educated decision and a commitment to the lifestyle changes that needs to happen.
BTW, the education about WLS in general and the entire process is the best thing to have when discussing it with your sisters. And we're all here to help if/when you need it.
Hey Shanecia,
You really must do what is right for you, and your health! I found a lot of reasons others fail to support you; but my #1 belief is: they fear you going ahead of them in a battle they have never been able to win either! Whatever you do; do it for yourself. Don't do it for anyone else; don't not do it because of anyone else! Only you know your own heart and struggles; no one can really walk in another's shoes! Think about it long and hard; and bring yourself to peace with your final decision!
I survive without many peoples approval! I tell them when people ask I did it the hard way; and that is all you need say! The rest of it is no one's business but your own! Take all your health problems into deep consideration; weigh all the pro's and con's! I am no longer diabetic, no longer on BP meds, no more C-pap breathing machine. If you ask me was it worth it (YES)! But you must decide for yourself.
Wishing your journey the best of luck. Hugs, Judy R