Uncertant about Hospitals and Surgeons
I wanted to see if someone has had any expeience with Howard University Hospital. I attended the WLS seminar with Dr. Fullum who s now going to Howard University Hospital. Origionally all patents of Dr. Fullums were to be transferred over to Dr. Kligman who does surgeries at University of Maryland. I would like to keep working with Dr. Fullum because I trust him and he was willing to speak with my parents who are supportive but have no idea as to what the surgery really is. I'm a little fearful of what Howard is like considering the neighborhood.
Forgot to add, but Dr. Kligman's offices are near Baltimore, which for me is impossible to get to. I am blind and use either public transit or metro access to get to doctor's appointments. Fromwhat I understad Dr. Fullum is going to keep his Greenbelt Office which is just downthe street from me.
I can't speak about the hospital you are asking about. I do think that if you feel comfortable with your surgeon then you should stay with that surgeon.
Although I am post op, my surgeon is important to me. He recently moved his practice to another hospital. I am moving with him. I want his expertise.
Best of luck!
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Stick with the surgeon.
Express your concerns about the hospital and see what his reponse is.
There is a good reason why he is changing practices or hospitals. You have every right to ask why. If the explaination is reasonable to you then hang in there.
You are only going to be in the hospital a few days. You are going to be with your surgeon for many years. Pick the surgeon you like!
Just my 2 cents.
Every morning in
I personally would stick with my surgeon. When I made the emotional commitment to myself to have the surgery, I felt that I had also invested in my surgeon emotionally. Plus, you have to consider your ability to get to your surgeons office for after surgery care. Your relationship with him will become even more crucial to your success after your surgery, in my opinion. For the 1 or 2 days that you are in the hospital, your parents should be safe visiting you during the day. Being mindful of the neighborhood surrounding the hospital is a good thing, but it shouldn't be the only determining factor.
Welcome to the MD board, it's very nice to see another person posting. I wish you nothing but success and healing in the rest of your weight loss surgery journey.
Denna, my first choice for surgeons was Dr. Fullum. I went to a seminar of his and fell in love with his personallity and professionalism. Plus a couple of my friends had surgery with him. At that time he was aat UM nd my paperwork was in the next day. But sadly my insurance required a Center of Excellence hospital and the hospital was in the process of obtaining it. I waited for over a year, then researched another surgeon. Then when I approached my primary doc, she too tried to send me to Dr Fullum.
My surgery is over and I had no complications or severe pain (thank you God), and truly trusted my surgeon I choose but didn't like the distance. He did an excellent job.
If Dr Fullem is your choice don't think about the neighbohood b/c you will only be there a short time and family can visit in daylight hours. You can also have a family member or close friend stay with you for those couple of days.
I don't regret my surgeon. only the distance I traveled. Choose for yourself which choice is right for you.