Lap Band Fill Question
I haven't had the surgery yet, however I know the fee is seperate, most insurances cover fill and Xray cost once they approve Lapband procedure, however if there are a few that have exclusions on fills. If you want more info, either PM VIcky R, she is a lap patient woh has worked in insurance for the longest time and now helps everyone on lap band board, or just quote your p[ost in lapband forum,
They are usually separate. If you go to your doctor, and if he has to send you to have it done under fluoroscopy it costs way more. And of course it depends on the type of plan that you have and the contractual rates and the deductible and so forth. I work for Aetna and am pretty familiar with the plans, but I personally have to get fills done and am about to go elsewhere to have them done, since it costs more with my doctor and he does have to send me elsewhere, which ends up being double charges.