Nervous Ramblings
I posted a blog about this on my page..but I just wanted to get it out there, so I decided to post it here..Since I will be using this site as part of my support through my journey..
Im not that far in the process...I havent gotten insurance approval yet. I'm working on the 2nd month of my 3 month diet. So I decided to go on Dr. Averbach's website and email them for an appointment. I didnt even have the nerve to call them and that is sooo unlike me. Im not a shy person...I dont shun away from things like this...But I didnt have the nerve to call the doctor. So I emailed and a day later they called me back and I didnt return the call for 2 days...Whats up with that? I have been researching and web searching this surgery for a long time now and now feel like Im having an anxiety attack (which Ive never had)...
Anyway, I had to leave out of my office and go to the warehouse to make the call...Even though the guy I share an office with knows all about the surgery and has been very supportive in my decisions (not that it would make a difference if he wasnt). I made that call and got an appt set up for March 18th @ 10am.
I called my primary doctor to see if I could get my physical history and blood work. Apparently I havent had a physical in 8 years..(**WHOOPS**) So I think its time for another one...
So I called Dr. Averbach's office to cancel the appt, but they told me since I have my 2 years medical records to just come in...
I know this is just a consultation..but Im nervous...and I dont know why...Im soo psyched for this surgery and ready for my life change...yet I feel like Im going to throw up waiting to see him....
I just had to vent....
As my grandmother would say..."That's the devil talkin' to you! And you know better!"
You've researched this surgery, you know that this will change your life forever. Are you ready for that change? Most likely you are or you wouldn't be doing all of the work that you're doing to research and learn.
You might want to get someone to go with you to your appointment with Dr. Averbach. Ask if there's someone from this board who has been thru it who could come sit with you to "hold your hand". In my job, I work with people who are taking life changing certification exams. They are nervous but I tell them they are nervous about the unknown. They have done their school work and most are actually working in their field. They are scared of what they don't know about...the actual exam. Once they begin the exam, most of the nervousness goes away and they get down to the business at hand.
I think that this journey is like that. You are scared about the unknown path. Sure, you've done the research, have the head knowledge but still, it's a scarey road. But, once you begin, you'll see that this is the right journey for you. And if it's not (and that's okay too) you'll know that.
I know that in my journey, I have had several HUGE obstacles come crashing down in front of me, trying to block my walk. First, my original surgeon leaves the area and I have to go "across the Bay" to find someone. (This was a blessing even though I miss Dr. Bovard deeply.) Second, when my surgery was started, Dr. Singh found a HUGE problem with my liver. Surgery was stopped and I am seeing a liver specialist. Another bolder in my path. BUT, I haven't given up all hope yet. Not until I am told that there is no way that I can have the surgery will I declare a defeat.
So, now that I've rambled on and on, I just want to say. Don't let the devil put those blocks in your pathway. Go around them,
jump over them,
walk thru them
. You are doing this for you. You just need to find someone to walk with you into that doctor's office!
Let me know if I can help you.
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!