I Really Need Support
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
My response is going to be a little different from the others who posted. I personally respond very well to people who are tough and provide a "tough love" attitude so I tend to give it back that way to people who need it. Judging from your post, I think you need it. Like the others, I agree that it is a good idea to go see your surgeon again. However, I also think that you need to suck it up and get back to the basics. This means getting back to a proper diet including plenty of protein and making sure to EXERCISE each day. Get rid of the carbs and fat. OMG, you're an experienced loser (116 lbs) so you obviously know how to use the tool your surgeon gave you. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, push away the snacks, get tough, and just do it. You mentioned a lot of change in your life and being lonely so I will assume there was a breakup, divorce or death to cause this feeleing. If you've put on 20 lbs, you've already had plenty of time to get over your problem. It's time to take those feelings and turn them into something a little more constructive. Focus them in a different direction. Instead of eating, get off your butt and lift some weights, smack a punching bag, take spinning or kick boxing classes or walk/jog father than you ever have before. No excuses... Just do it. Get the sweat rolling for 45-60 mins EVERY day and I absolutely promise that you will feel better... both mentally and physically. Your 20 lbs and probably even more will drop off in no time. Deep down, you know where you're going wrong, whether it is diet, exercise or both. Please take a minute or two to think back to the day you hit your lowest weight. Remember how great that felt? It's time to get back to that place again. --Eric