?????? OT
I would be interested in La Fountain Bleu as well. It's in Glen Burnie on Ritchie Hway. I think they do Country Line Dancing on Wednesday nights.
I was going with some g/f's to the Elks in Pasadena on Thursday nights, but that Ellks Lodge closed down.
I think also the Elks on Crain Hwy in Glen Burnie does country line dancing on Thursday evenings, but you need to belong to the Elks to go there.
Hugs, Mo
Comparison is the thief of joy!
If we spend our time comparing our life/weight loss/body to others, we totally miss what WE have accomplished. Keep in mind how far you have come and what you can do now that you couldn't do weeks/months/years ago. I hate the expression " It's all good", but in this case it fits! Wherever you are in your journey ... It's ALL good!!!
Great minds think alike. I was thinking that it would be great exercise, and lots of fun to do that. I saw that CCBC offers both country line dancing and urban line dancing for their community education classes. I can't find their book at the moment, but am going to look on their website, and if necessary go to the library because they keep the books in their lobby.