Happy Friday Eve!
Aime -
Soooooo glad to hear baby's gaining weight and getting bunches of tlc! He'll be yanking stuff off of your tables before you know it!!!
Have a wonderful time in Richmond. I emailed OH to ask them to consider bringing a conference to Ocean City in the off-season and they said they would send me email to their conference coordinators. Nothing from them, though. It's not close to an airport, so that's not good. But I do want to plan a local OH meeting in Ocean City eventually. I think we'd have a blast!!
Not a pay week for me either!!! Have a great, safe trip!
Tia : i AM UP FOR Ocean City: especially since my bro just bought a condo: hmmm could probably have room for five or six friends LOL. Of course it would have to be off season:
Could not get the condo during the summer I am sure . He has three twenty something kids
who are planning next summers weekends already LOL