Name Calling
Jen I am so sorry you have been hurt by this guys idiotic comments. He is obivously the one who need therapy and counseling for his anger issues. Yes, at our ages (I am 37) it's sad to say that people are still rude and resort to childish name calling. After I had lost 50 lbs, I had a guy at the grocery store call me a "fat ass". It hurt so much. I got in his face told him he was rude and a jerk and didn't know anything about me. I also told him he had no idea what I had gone through to lose weight. I wish I had thought to tell him that I was losing the weight and would one day by skinny but he would always be a jerk and an old-fart.
But I didn't think about that until after I walked away. And then of course I would be the one name-calling and didn't want to stoop to his level. He was at least 60! So people of all ages can really be rude jerks.
Your hurt comes from being hurt so many times in the past. It takes a long time to get over the things people have said to us. I am nearly 2 years out and think I would become a blubbering baby if anyone said anything hurtful to me about my weight. I am still sometimes surprised by how I look when I catch my reflection in a store window or something like that.
Just forget about this jerk and his comments. A size 12 is great! And by the time you reach your goal weight you will be so skinny that anyone who says otherwise will only be showing how ignorant they really are just like this guy has done. Now go give yourself a big hug and tell yourself how beautiful you are and remind yourself how much you have accomplished!
Hugs, Robin
272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
You were 100% right to reject him - he sounds like a total a-hole. He said it just to hurt you (I think it is safe to say his comment would offend anyone, regardless of their weight) so I hope you can remind yourself of that and realize that it's not about you, it's because he is a jerk.
Who gets irate because a woman won't meet him, a complete stranger, at 9:30 at night?! He is obviously disturbed.