Well, I went in to see Pat at Dr. S today for my two week. I have lost 16! Woo hoo! Pat is wonderful and made me feel really good about myself. She said I look great and am doing well!
I just have to keep working on the protein!
That is just great. You are off to a running start. Keep up with the protein and fluids and vits and the weight will just sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide right off!!
Great news!! Congrats on the weight loss!!!
I have a lot of work to do towards getting all my protein in. I'm learning Moving from liquids to purees helps a little. Cottage cheese and I are becoming best friends again, lol.
Great job!
One thing I have found are at GNC. The name escapes me right now. But it is a glass bottle. 20oz flavored water that has 40 grams of protein in it. The same company makes the powder too. I know it is no-carb and they really taste ok.
Great Job on the weight loss!