Approved & a date too.... but feeling selfish...
Of all times to get my news... it make me feel so selfish...
OMG! I have a flurry of emotions right now I can't begin to explain them in detail!
In a nutshell let me just blurt this stuff out, and then i'll elaborate.
I had an uncle pass away last week...
My mom's companion suffered a Massive Heart attack...
A friend's 4 yr old daughter is in the hospital with a rare illness (Kawasaki disease)...
All this on top of Holiday preparations, cooking, shopping, parties, school functions with the kids, work, and all the regular day to day hecticness...
I forgot that I am in the middle of trying to get surgery approval!
Well today, my boss ticked me off about something and in that same conversation, his words exactly were "When is your surgery anyway?" DING DONG... a bell went off in my head! I wrapped up that meeting and decided that I needed to make a phone call.
Low and Behold, I FINALLY got the official word today that I'm APPROVED! I also got a date! It's January 16th! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I want to laugh, cry, scream, jump up and down, you name it!
Life is crazy, and God doesn't throw anything your way that he knows you can't handle.
My Aunt is doing well considering my uncle passed last week. He'd been sick for 3 years now, and he was 81. He will be missed, but is in a much better place now...
My mom's companion is starting to respond. His Heart attack was last Sunday and he was unresponsive up until this Saturday evening. He's finally arousing from his comatose state and answering yes/no questions with head nods and finger squeezes. He is answering accordingly, so the Dr's are saying he is comprehending his surroundings and what's being asked of him. He is 79, Please keep him in your prayers, they sure do work!
My friends daughter is only 4 years old. She is so sweet and innocent, and doesn't understand why she is sick. Please pray for TT too, to get better.
Thank you for hearing me out and letting me vent here....
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to everyone no matter what you celebrate!
Kelly, congrats on your date. I can understand how it is hard to be happy amongst so many unhappy things going on. But, you are doing something good for your family in getting healthy. You have the right to be relieved, and optimistic for the future.
Prayers being sent for your family, and your friends family. Glad to hear your mom's companion is showing improvement!
Hi Kelly - this is too weird, I just got my insurance approval & surgery date as well. Listen to this...Dr. Singh is my surgeon, January 16th is my surgery date & my name is Kelly!! How funny is that!! I'm having my surgery at 9:30 am - what time is yours?
Sorry to hear that you have so much going on. Hope you are able to enjoy your holidays.