so sick
need some ideas please!
I am an asthmatic, I have been using my nebulizer all weekend. I am coughing so hard I am dry heaving. I physically can not vomit. I feel like there is a blob of something stuck in my airway and it won't budge. It gets better for a few hours then it just comes right back. I am literally almost at the point of going to the hospital, but am hoping someone has a good idea that may help first.
I think you need to atleast call your doctor and get a chest X ray to make sure it's not pneumonia.
I've had 3 asthma flare ups since having surgery and have needed Prednisone and you may need a boost of steroids just to help your lungs. Doesn't sound fun I know but you need to breathe.
I know how you feel because I'm on respiratory/sinus infection #4 since surgery!
Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.
I called my family DR. *****commended doing a neb, waiting an hour, doing another and then if that didn't help to go the ER.
Well - I fiqured out the problem, my albuteral neb medications were expired. SO I called him back, had them call me in some new. Bless My Husband, he actually drove to the pharmacy and got t for me. After the first treatment I was somewhat better, after the second I was resting comfortably. By this morning I am sooo much better.
Dee, I'm so relieved to hear you are feeling better!
I have very mild (thank God) asthma. I occasionally use a rescue inhaler, but have managed to stay off of other meds for it (not that my doc hasn't tried). I'm watching carefully since surgery, and I'm glad you reminded me to check the expiration date on my inhaler!
Hope you continue to improve!
Yes, Kathy - check those dates. I have not had an attack come on like that before. I very rarely use the nebulizer. Mostly an inhaler. My neb meds were WAY expired too- July 2004. I can't believe how dumb I was to not check that before I used it. And very embarresed to not bug the DR once but twice on a Sunday because of it.
Today I have used it only twice, and that was because I wanted to stay clear.