3 Month check in
You go girl! I am sooooo proud of you. My surgeon told me yesterday that it would be at least 3 months before I would get past those "exhausted" feelings. Of course 5:30 a.m. can be a big part of it no matter what the doc's say.
Happy Thanksgiving.
April ...My Cup Runneth Over
" Life may not be the party we hoped for,
but while we're still here we may as well dance." ... Andy Rooney
Hi Jo!
So great to see things are going well for you. I have been moving right along as well. My hair has been falling out also. They say it's just the protein, but I have been doing the protein in abundance. Most say it's going to happen no matter what. I take the biotin as well, but it really didn't stop it (but my fingernails are alot stronger!) However, I am 6 mos. out now and notice that my hair loss is beginning to slack up a bit. Luckily I had pretty thick hair. I think your hair was pretty thick too, right?
Have you been able to go to any meetings? I haven't been in some time. My girls and I did go to the Obesity walk. We only did the mile and a half because MY GIRLS pooped out on me. I asked them how it felt to have a mother who is in better shape than them? (They are 9 & 10). I can also beat them in a race now. They were really shocked! BUT now they are trying to eat healthier and are trying to emulate me!
I hope you continue to do well. I am down 79 lbs. and am extremely happy. I am starting to research plastics for when my year is up. How is your husband coping? I am sure he is ecstatic with your weight loss as well! I hope to see you again! Take care ~~ Trish