4 month Stats
Four Months ago today my life changed for the better
Start weight 359
current weight 274
85 lbs. down /
start size 32/34 4/5 x
current 26 ( and thats in jeans) can wear all 3x some 2x
still a long way to go ; but only 4 months: no complications;
Thanks to everyone for your constant support:
And to everyone Preop: Yes this is a scary ride; but I would not change a thing
other then wishing I had done this years ago
You are doing GREAT my friend! You are using all of the tools you've been given to their fullest, and it shows. You should be very proud of all you have accomplished. In addition to your personal accomplishments, you're also a good friend and an inspiration to those of us who are pre-op, which helps us accomplish great things too.
Each time I see you at support group, or just a few weeks ago at the walk from obesity, you look better and better. Oh, and I love the new hair do. HeeHee.